We Empower Moms, Health Professionals, and Career Seekers to Practice the Healing Art of  Homeopathy

Curious about homeopathy? We are ready to talk to you!!! Sign up for your free discovery session!

We offer training in classical homeopathy, at a price you can afford,  in an easy to follow format that  works well for homeschooling moms, health professionals, and anyone who likes to learn within a supportive online community. Come learn with us and become a homeopath!


Homeopathy is a natural treatment modality that is safe and gentle, yet powerful. 

Classical homeopathy, taught in our program, is over 200 years old and helps with many kinds of health conditions, even those which conventional treatments don't address.


Founded in 1997, we offer an affordable distance learning program that you can start any time and do at your own pace. 

We have students and graduates from all over the world who come together for weekly meetings, so there is a real sense of community. 

How can i use my education?

Our basic program will empower you to care for yourself, family, and  patients with homeopathy. 

By taking the advanced program, you can become a homeopathic consultant and help people with chronic health issues. Our graduates do amazing work!

Our Homeopathy Programs

Basic Homeopathy Training

Learn to practice acute homeopathy, and help your family, friends, and clients with everyday health conditions. 

Advanced Homeopathy Training

Go into more depth in our advanced program, where you learn to work with chronic health conditions.

Clinical Homeopathy Training

Your studies come alive with real cases in our distance learning and online internship programs.

Here's why you'll love our program:

Self Paced

You can start the program whenever you like, and go fast or slow -- whatever works with your schedule. Need to take time off to have a baby or go on vacation?  No problem!

Lots of support

You'll get lots of encouragement and support as you interact with teachers and fellow students during our weekly Zoom online or phone meetings, and our ongoing email discussion group.

About Willa

Willa has been teaching homeopathy in professional programs since 1991, and founded the Caduceus Institute in Santa Cruz in 1997. Students find her to be an inspiring teacher who makes homeopathy easy to learn. 

"I chose the Institute of Classical Homeopathy because it's affordable and flexible, and also because Willa truly wants every student to succeed and is willing to help them do so. The Institute stands out because it has what no other school has - Willa!"

- Randi W, Marienville, PA

Learn More about Willa Here

What students say

“My words cannot express how much I am enjoying your excellent instruction. Of the dozens of correspondence course that I researched I know that I chose the very best in Caduceus. I would recommend your course in a heartbeat to anyone interested in studying homeopathy.”

Carole L.  Hartford, CT

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the whole program — found it fascinating and extraordinarily well presented and organized. I say that as a professional educator who’s spent decades teaching people how to organize material for pedagogical purposes.”

Rosemary H, Ph.d.  Durham, NC

“Although I have also studied homeopathy in another excellent and well-respected program, it was with Willa that I was finally able to understand the basics of homeopathy. Without this it is impossible to understand homeopathy or to use it effectively.”

Katie G, DC  Santa Cruz, CA

What Our Graduates Say

Robin Gladstone, CPH

My interest in homeopathy began with my own child who suffered from recurrent ear infections and was treated successfully with homeopathy. That experience led me to begin my own course of study.

 I love working with children and their families. I treat acutely as well as constitutionally, and in the past year my practice has begun to grow substantially, and I now see an average of three new clients a week.

The best advertising has been direct references. I really feel that I have found my calling and can’t imagine ever doing anything else!

My education at the Caduceus Institute has fully prepared me for a successful practice in homeopathy.

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