Full Professional Training Program
Includes all modules and clinical training!
Thank you for your interest in the Institute of Classical Homeopathy. We offer three different levels of homeopathy training so that you have the flexibility to learn the basics first, and then choose to progress to advanced training if desired. Below is an overview of our entire homeopathy program.
Our Institute offers three levels of
homeopathy training certificates:
Level 1: Basic Homeopathy Training

BASIC HOMEOPATHY TRAINING: Certificate in Acute Homeotherapeutics upon successful completion of module one, acute homeopathy.
All students start here. This gives you the practical basics to treat acute situations with homeopathic remedies. When completed you'll receive a certificate and be able to treat family, friends and patients.
This module takes about six months to complete for most people. It is self-paced so you can do it more quickly or more slowly according to your schedule
Completion of the basic program will give you your first 50 classroom hours for those who want to go into full professional training. You will also be eligible to join the Homeopathy Compassion Network for additional free training and support in using homeopathy to help your community during difficult times.
Upon successful completion of Module One, you will receive a certificate in Acute Homeotherapeutics.
Basic Course consists of Module One — 50 hours. Tuition: $600 plus $100 registration fee

Level 2: Advanced Homeopathy Training

ADVANCED HOMEOPATHY TRAINING: Certificate in Foundations of Homeopathy for graduates of the basic program that want to take their learning to the next level.
In this step you will learn the entire case taking process for chronic care as well as how to manage a chronic case. This level is divided up into six different modules for those who prefer to take their studies more slowly.
The advanced modules may take you between two and three years to accomplish, depending on how much time you have to study. At the end of these modules, you receive a Certificate in Foundations of Homeopathy.
Normally the advanced program is taken in conjunction with clinical training. Some students may choose to take this program before they enroll in clinical training.
Upon successful completion of modules one through eight, you will receive a certificate in Foundations of Homeopathy (CF Hom)
Advanced Course consists of Modules Two through Eight — 600 hours. Tuition: $4,450 plus $100 registration fee (can enroll in one module at a time if desired) This includes our NEW module 8 -- Advanced Case Management.
Level 3: Clinical Homeopathy Training

CLINICAL HOMEOPATHY TRAINING: Certificate in Professional Homeopathy (CPH):
The clinical training program puts all your studies together and brings them alive! Clinical training is essential for those going into practice, and gives you the practical experience you need choose homeopathic remedies for people to address their chronic health problems.
It can be done concurrently with the Advanced Homeopathy Program or as a separate program after the Advanced Training has been completed.
The final module of your homeopathy training is the Case Supervision Module where you submit five of your own chronic cases with follow ups.
Upon successful completion of modules one through seven, plus the clinical training and case supervision, you will receive a Certificate in Professional Homeopathy (CPH)
Clinical Training consists of 250 hours of casework plus case supervision. Tuition: $2150 plus $100 registration fee. You can enroll in seasonal online clinics and case supervision separately, if desired. It is less expensive to enroll in everything at once.
Note: Anatomy and physiology is also required for those without a medical background. We offer a DVD based Anatomy and Physiology course that is easy to complete. Tuition is $200, and is included free if you register for the whole program at once.
This program is self paced! This means you can begin any time, and complete it at your own pace. It takes most students who are studying part time around three years.
Would you like to enroll in a simpler, easier course to get started, and still have the option to transfer into our professional training program? Check out our new Homeopathy for Moms Course!
It's amazing to see the miracle of homeopathy -- my whole life has changed!"
NASH was originally founded in 1990. Its mission was to set standards of competency and to create a registry of individuals highly trained in the practice of classical homeopathy in order to inform and protect consumers.
We support our students who wish to pursue NASH registration. Certification or registration is not the same as licensure — licenses to practice homeopathy are not available in most states. Certification and registration affirm your competence in homeopathy but will not enhance your legal status to practice. Our program meets NASH requirements.
Please check out our FAQ page for more information about certification vs licensure, or contact us if you have questions.
Olga B.
I chose Caduceus because it is on the list of NASH approved schools. I researched several schools before making my choice. I got attracted to Caduceus's program content and the affordable price for the education.
I really enjoy the weekly live-zoom meetings where I always learn something new and can ask questions. The atmosphere during the meetings is friendly and relaxing, and everybody feels welcome and has a chance to express his/her thoughts.
Willa is a great educator and gives lots of tips on how to handle acute/chronic cases. I'm pleased to be a student of Caduceus and feel that it is a wonderful place which can truly teach you how to become a successful homeopath!

Mei Li, Lic. Ac
I am deeply honored and grateful to be student at Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy. I have been getting amazing results with acute prescribing ever since completing the basic module and am so far finding the advanced modules to be extremely relevant to chronic health conditions. The support and guidance that I receive from the teachers and fellow students are invaluable. I’m so glad I chose Caduceus!

get started today
If you register for the entire program at once, and avoid multiple registration fees, the entire program will cost $7,250 for a complete training in homeopathy. This is a savings of $1,100 compared to registering for the modules individually, as you save $900 in registration fees and also get Anatomy and Physiology included for free . You will also need to purchase textbooks.
Basic program
Acute homeopathy training for parents and health professionals
Entire program
A complete professional training in homeopathy: Basic, Advanced, and Clinical
a la carte
650 & Up
After completing the basic program, enroll in as many modules as you like and save money by enrolling in more.