Advanced Studies in Homeopathy: Chronic Care
When you have completed Module One, you can learn to work with more chronic and complicated health problems in our advanced modules. Modules Two through Five consist of six audio recorded class sessions, similar to module one. You will receive the course materials electronically (workbooks as pdf files, along with mp3 audio files for the actual classes) or
Module Six is an online multimedia module on advanced case analyses, and Module Seven is your introduction to actual cases. Module Eight is Advanced Case Management. These modules are available only electronically. Here are descriptions of each of the advanced modules.
Module Two - Chronic case-taking
Module two gives a thorough introduction to chronic case taking and teaches you to begin to organize and analyze a chronic case, and choose a potency appropriate to the case. Acute therapeutic topics are also covered in each session, along with more materia medica and repertorisation skills.
Principles: Chronic Case-taking, Symptoms Classification, Organizing the Case, Case Analyses, Potency Selection, Organon Study, Repertory Work.
Acute Therapeutics: Dermatology, Uretogenital, Gynecology, Pregnancy and Childbirth
Materia Medica: Polycrests and small remedies according to therapeutic topic.
Module Three-Chronic case management
Module Three emphasizes chronic case management — what to do after giving the first remedy. During this module we suggest beginning clinical work to bring your studies alive!
Principles: Evaluating the First Remedy, the Second Remedy, Obstacles to Cure and Aggravations, Provings, Chronic Case Analysis, Organon Study, Repertory Study, Homeopathy for Animals, Homeopathy and Psychology, computer based analysis.
Materia Medica: In-depth study of Metals including Aurum, Platina, Alumina, Plumbum; Mania Remedies including Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Tarentula; and acids including Nitric acid and Phosphoric acid.
Module Four- Chronic Disease, Miasms, and Nosodes
Module Four explores miasmatic theory according to the principles outlined in Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases. We study the main miasms and their nosodes. The study of chronic case analyses, repertory, and Organon continue.
Principles: Chronic Disease, Miasms including Psora, Sycosis, Syphillis, use of Nosodes, Case Analysis, Organon Study, Repertory Study.
Materia Medica: Nosodes including Psorinum, Tuberculinum, Carsinosinum, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum; Natrum salts, Kali salts, drug remedies.
Module Five- Advanced Topics in Chronic Care
Module Five consists of a series of premier guest lectures, including a session on homeopathic and vitalistic history, materia medica, and advanced topics in therapeutics and complicated cases. There is also a workbook is some extra material on nutrition based on the principles of Weston Price. This topic has been included because poor nutrition is often an obstacle to cure in many homeopathic cases, so a basic education is necessary for a homeopathic practitioner.
Principles: Homeopathy and Interactions with Prescription Medications, Homeopathic History, Foundations of homeopathic philosophy, Long-term Case Management, Palliation for incurable cases, cases with advanced pathology, advanced case analysis.
Materia Medica: Poisonous Animal Remedies including Bufo, Theridion, Snake Venoms; Women’s Remedies, heart remedies and therapeutics, respiratory remedies and therapeutics, salts of magnesium and mercury.
Module Six- Advanced Case Analyses
Module 6, Advanced Case Analysis, teaches you how to recognize the best analysis strategies for different types of cases, whether you’re faced with acute, chronic, simple or complex disease. Every session includes Organon study, as well as readings from the past masters of homeopathic practice. The main text for this module is Alastair Gray’s Method.
Principles: Types of Disease, Types of Disease Totality, Case Mapping, Case Analysis Styles, Matching Case Analysis to Totality, Repertorization Tools, Prescription Styles
Case Mapping: Three-Legged Stool, X-Diagram, Mappa Mundi, Miasmatic, Thematic, Diathetic, Layered, Anatomical, Cycles & Segments
Case Analysis: Characteristic Symptom, Keynote Symptom, Complete Symptom, Genus Epidemicus, §153 (Strange/Rare/Peculiar), Remedy Prominence, Thematic, Miasmatic, Constitutional, Layered, Group Analysis, Zoological Families, Sensation Method
Prescription: Totality, Indisposition, Intermittent Fever, Genus Epidemicus, Isopathic, Tautopathic, Ætiological, Lesional, Organopathic, Fundamental, Miasmatic, Constitutional, Bowel Nosode, Symptom Concomitance, §153 (Strange/Rare/Peculiar)
Request the syllabus for this Module.
Module Seven - Practicum Module
This module consists of actual cases that were recorded in our online clinic, along with the discussion and analyses of the case. You take the case yourself from the recording, then listen to the recorded discussion about the case, before handing in your own writeup on the case according to the guidelines we provide.
The Practicum module was a great exercise and I learned a lot. It really sharpened my case analysis skills. I’m now using the Practicum questions for my own cases because they help bridge the gap between the words of the client and the words of the repertory so nicely. So this module helped me in this nebulous area the most. It also sharpened my knowledge of the miasms. Every serious student or practitioner should take it.
Gail W, Milbrae, CA
Module Eight - New Module!! Advanced Case Management
This is a subject that can be puzzling to new homeopaths. After taking a good case and choosing a remedy, how do you determine what to do next at the follow up appointment? This module goes into depth on how to evaluate a case after giving the first remedy, and includes an explanation of the wide variety of possibilities.