Homeopathy Compassion Network

When you complete the Basic Program, module one, you are eligible to join the Homeopathy Compassion Network to continue to build your skills in acute homeopathic prescribing to help your family and community in case of emergencies such as pandemics and natural disasters, as well as doing outreach to underserved communities such as veterans and the homeless. These meetings will also help you to learn how to start and build a practice. Homeopathy is a great modality during emergencies and pandemics, and we want our graduates to feel confident and empowered to offer aid in these circumstances, and to get the word out about their skills to the local community.

We also offer credentials as a Community Outreach Healing Minister for those who are interested. There is no charge for the extra training and support, or for the ministerial credential.
I love what you are doing with the Homeopathy Compassion Network, that is precisely the sort of ministry I would like to provide in my own lower-income, working-class community and I am thrilled to have an opportunity to be involved.
Mary smith
Homeopathy Student