December 16, 2022


Homeopathy can help you stay healthy during the holidays! Here are three of my  favorite remedies to help you get through the season:

Oscillococcinum to prevent viral illness

Oscillococcinum is the number one flu remedy in Europe. It is very effective in stopping the onset of the flu and can help with the onset of other viral illnesses such as Covid. You might need to try another homeopathic remedy once you have more specific symptoms, but if you're just starting to feel unwell with that achiness, scratchy throat, and fatigue, this is a good remedy to try.

Pro Tip: you don't have to take the whole tube! It's good to know this because this remedy is sold in sets of three and they tell you to take the whole tube as one dose. You only need a few of those pellets so feel free to just use a few of them, and it will work fine.

Check out this video for more remedies, plus my favorite healthy holiday recipes! Or continue reading below:

Nux vomica for when you overdo it

Nux vomica is remedy we might need during the holiday time when we're  juggling and managing way too much.  We're trying to keep up with our normal activities with work and family and then on top of that there are holiday parties, cooking, and gifts. These are activities that should bring us joy, but may also result in exhaustion.

We are eating too much and drinking too much. We may feel overstimulated and not be getting enough sleep.

This is the remedy for people in a state of over work. It can easily happen to anyone during the holidays.  We may be having too much coffee or stimulants to  stay awake and then having to calm down with alcohol or other substances.

Our nervous system may become very tense and reactive and go into a clenched up, spasmodic state, and people around us may notice that we have become very irritable! This overworked nervous system may also display as cramps, chilliness, headaches, and diarrhea or constipation.

It's the number one remedy for hangovers as well, so keep this remedy in mind if you tend to over do food, drink, or activities this season!

Coffea - too excited and happy

Coffea  is the homeopathic remedy made from coffee, and it fixes the problems that coffee and excitement cause.

It is the remedy  that helps when you are so excited and happy that you can't sleep. If you think of a child on Christmas Eve who feels so excited about Santa coming, you have the perfect picture of Coffea!

If the joy of the holidays is making you feel like you're just too wired to sleep, Coffea could be the remedy. Your mind may be racing and even if you get to sleep, even small noises wake you up.

You can learn more about these remedies, and many more, in our Basic Program.

I hope that you have a joyous and healthy holiday and a wonderful new year!

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About the Author

Director of the Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy, mother, and grandmother.

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